Sunday, September 8, 2013

Rust Hills

Please click on the link here and read the obituary for Rust Hills that was published in the New York Times after he passed away in August of 2008.

I know that when I read this, it subtly changed my reading of WIG for me, especially in how he perceived "new writers" and how he was initially trying to take "quality" fiction back from the adventure stories that were big when he began at Esquire.

What stood out to you in the obituary?

1 comment:

  1. "No need to ‘pity the poor young writer’ — if he’s any good, he’ll be famous before he ought to be. It’s hard to tell him this, though; it’s easier to encourage him with platitudes." That, to me, is a very interesting thought that I disagree with. Because of the "platitudes," I feel like more writers are discouraged rather than encouraged to write. If anyone's any good, then they should be praised, not put down. I don't believe in negative reinforcement. But I guess that statement kind of does reflect Hills' "fussy" and "cranky" personality.
