Tuesday, September 17, 2013

No Class Today

Well, I've gone and done it. I have thrown out my back in spectacular fashion. I will be spending today as non-vertical as possible.

No worries, though, we'll just move everything to next time, as much as that's possible.

I will also give you more time for your 5 stories. I have created a new Dropbox folder for each student, so please turn in your 5 stories into your folder (you'll have to accept the share invitation) by Wednesday at 2pm.

I have loved reading your Saunders responses over the weekend. What a bright and insightful bunch you are!

See you Friday. Hopefully by then I will not feel like an 80 year old woman.



  1. :-( We'll miss you... get better soon!

  2. Oh gosh, get better soon!

    Also, is it just me or is anyone else getting the "blogspot update" emails about six hours after the entries are posted?

  3. NO! I hope it heals soon!
    I put my document on drop box but also left a hard copy in your mailbox in case it still doesn't work
